starts with me: young woman looking at reflection

It Starts With Me

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When I was young, one of my favorite cartoons was Mr. Magoo. Poor Mr. Magoo was as blind as a bat. He would constantly bump into things, fall off cliffs, drive into walls and find himself in so many other horrible situations. While going through life, have you ever felt like Mr. Magoo?

Have you ever felt like no matter which way you turn, you hit another bump or roadblock?

It would be easy for Mr. Magoo to examine the world around him and see it as unsafe. He could find fault in just about everything, since he constantly finds himself in frustration just trying to get around. It turns out, however, the problem was not Mr. Magoo’s world but rather Mr. Magoo’s horrible eyes.

Sometimes it feels like our world is against us. Everywhere we turn we find frustration and dissatisfaction with its ability to live up to our needs. It’s not a safe place for us.

Sometimes, we need to look in the mirror and ask a simple question: “Is my world broken or am I broken in my world?”

More often than not, the reason we find ourselves frustrated is because instead of fixing our issues, we are trying to fix a world that is operating perfectly fine without us.

If you want to stand up to the obstacles in your life, take the “5 x 5 Challenge.”

For five days practice identifying five things wrong with your personal discipleship for every one thing you issue a complaint about.Please leave a comment at the end of five days demonstrating what God showed you through the exercise.

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» Challenges » It Starts With Me
On January 17, 2022
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