Radical Alignment


Inc. Magazine reports that nearly 95% of strategic plans fail to get implemented.
The proprietary Radical Alignment process will take your organization from strategic thinking to strategic doing by creating a filter through which all of your organizational talents: culture, brand, marketing, assets, people, processes, systems, facilities, etc., are radically aligned to produce your desired outcome - your vision.

The Radical Alignment process is intentionally developed to be facilitated in a manner that ensures you are pursuing your dream and achieving self-sufficiency. You will not only have the tools but be equipped to use them discreetly ongoing.

The Radical Alignment Process

The process is a strategic planning system which will challenge your organization to make the difficult decisions related to saying "no" to all of the good ideas in order to pursue the right ones.


This facilitated modular system will allow you to begin as narrowly or broadly as you like. We will start by examining your strategic framework: your mission, vision and value, and then develop a litmus for measuring the level of alignment of your organizational talents against that framework. We will pursue a multi-phase toolset that will empower your organization to independently operationalize your strategic plan in order to maximize the efforts of your management team in self-directing their teams to implement the plan. Our time will culminate with the development of a clear actionable plan that your team will execute.

Activate Your Organization

For more information or to get started, contact me today.

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"How to Avoid Leadership Suicide!"


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How to Avoid Leadership Suicide
  • What to do when you feel like no one understands the pressure.
  • How to identify your yes and have confidence in your no.
  • How to stay grounded when living between what is real and what is hoped for.
  • How to lead strong when you want to run and hide.
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